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Tung Sten Long • 1 year ago

damn! why this end so quickly?

AnimeSenpai2003 • 1 year ago

Ant journey is just getting stared.

Lyn Blade Dancer • 1 year ago

What did the ant symbol turn into?

AnimeSenpai2003 • 1 year ago

I think it was bull symbol. I see horns on that skull.

s00mebody • 1 year ago

Or devil? Bull skull is often used in association

AnimeSenpai2003 • 1 year ago

Lol, They only tell us animals name. So its up to them whatever they tell us in up coming eps we will believe even that doesn't have horns.

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

Why is my comments and responses erased, thought I didn't watch this for a minute.

Winterisreallycoming • 1 year ago

Doggo/Pet Zoned!

death shot • 1 year ago

17:13 that's the same girl right